Friday, May 24, 2013

This will be my last blog entry because we will not have classes really next week.  This blog was a really fun experience.   I honestly can say I would have never thought of making a blog ever.   It kind of takes my mind off everything going on in school.  And seeing other peoples blogs is pretty cool too.  I feel like you get to know your classmates a lot better.  I don’t want to keep this blog going because I really don’t know what I would say.  I think learning how to do this was a good experience.  I hope you enjoyed my blog.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

I would not change anything really I love all my friends that I made this year.  The school is awesome and I love my lab so much.  I had really good grades all year and got into NTHS.  My family has been supportive of my choices that I made.  I love my life ever since I came to diamond. I have been working really hard and getting really good grades. My friends are my favorite part of being here, I have met so many new people that I have became close with. I started going to a youth group with some of my closest friends. If it wasn’t for diamond I wouldn’t know any of them!

Monday, May 20, 2013

I think it sucks that people get all caught up in the moment when they win the lottery and spend every last dime.  The big purchases they make aren’t smart because they don’t think about the things that come with it in the long run.  Marriages get ruined because the money takes over.  Once it’s all gone and their family is gone because they just wanted your money so now that it’s gone they don’t want anything to do with you.  I am sure gambling can also become a problem when you win the lottery.  I hope if I ever win the lottery I don’t get carried away like some people.

Friday, May 17, 2013

I know this video happened years ago but it’s pretty funny.  I know how he feels because I felt the same way when I got my tooth pulled when I was little.  My favorite part of this video is when he asks if it was real life.  A lot of people made remakes of this video.   I think trying to remake a video is stupid just keep the original and don’t remake it because it is annoying.  Another part that’s good is when he just gets up out of his seat and screams crazy loud.  This is one of my favorite videos and I hope you like it.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

If I could be on any television show I would want to be on the show Ghost Adventures.  I absolutely love this show and would love be a member of their group.  I think it would be so cool to interact with the paranormal.  I would be scared to see something but to be able to hear voices that are from the other side would be pretty sweet.  Even when I was little I was interested in this stuff. We would turn the lights off and use our flashlights to see if we could hear or see anything.  But I would definitely enjoy the experience of being on Ghost Adventures.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

After I graduate from high school I want to go to college.  I want to be an athletic trainer for professional sports teams.  I want to be this because I love being around sports and I am always around them all the time anyway.  I don’t know which college to go to yet because they are all so nice.  I don’t want to be too far away from my family because we are very close.  My dream would to be an athletic trainer for the Cincinnati Reds or any soccer team because I absolutely love those two sports.  I can’t wait to do what I love for the rest of my life.
My name is Kaitlyn and I go to for Diamond Oaks Sports Rehabilitation.  I absolutely love it because I’m constantly around sports.  The reason I am doing this blog is because my English teacher is making us.  This blog will mostly be based on whatever the prompt of the day will be in class.  Also this blog will be my opinion 100%.  I hope this blog will be very interesting for you.  I’m new to this and really have no clue how to do this.  I’m just doing this because it is going to be a grade.   Thanks for reading.